Hayman Kronfeld Building, 15 Galway Street.
Barrington Building and Old Sofrana House, 10–12 Customs Street East and 14-18 Customs Street East
The Hayman Kronfeld Building was originally designed as two separate warehouses to serve Auckland’s increasingly busy port. Both buildings were designed by architect John Currie, and for some time were known as the Barrington Building and Sofrana House, before their original names were restored as part of the 2021/2022 heritage refurbishment. Construction on the Hayman Building began at the end of the 19th century for P. Hayman & Co, a firm that dealt in jewellery, crockery, musical instruments, stationery, saddlery and household items. The Kronfeld Building, opened in 1905 and now a Category Two Historic Place, was leased by Gustav Kronfeld, a German fruit and produce merchant who came to New Zealand from Samoa and developed trade between Auckland and the Pacific Islands.