The future of work is flexible, but not as we know it. New research is showing how mental wellbeing and productivity are underpinned by positive workplace interactions.

The old office is over.

The new office instigates social connection, accommodates different working styles and makes people feel good about being there. Here, Britomart's Jeremy Hansen and Melinda Williams speak to three experts for their advice on how office culture and design can adapt for a brighter, more connected and more productive future.


Click through to each of the interviews at the links below:

University department head, Sarah Wright, is researching the phenomenon of workplace loneliness.

Dallas-based architect, Erin Peavey, has published research on the relationship between good architecture and social connection.

Mental health spokesperson, Sir John Kirwan, has helped open the New Zealand conversation around mental health.


Britomart conducts regular research projects pertinent to the future of the central city and the future of work. You can read these via downloadable PDFs or the individual interviews on this website. 

City Futures (published April 2022) speaks to nine city leaders about central Auckland's post-Covid future (PDF here)

Three views on the future of work (published May 2023) interviews three experts about the future of work and the importance of work as a social connector (PDF here)

This is how we want to work now (published September 2023) is an interview with five workers under 30 about what they want from their workplaces (PDF here)

This is our place (published July 2024) interviews 17 central city residents about their neighbourhood and its future (PDF here)