Caitlin (bottom left) and the Deadly Ponies team during their live chat.
The Deadly Ponies Britomart store manager is definitely way ahead of most of us in the daily-walk style stakes.
Where are you on lockdown and who are you with?
At home in Auckland with my family.
How are you all doing? Do you need any help from the outside world?
We’re doing great!
Are you still working, and if so, how?
Yes, I’m still working full time from home. A lot of our business can be done through our laptops, so I’m working remotely. We have just launched our Live Chat feature on deadlyponies.com which gives our customers the ability to chat to one of our team from 9am-11pm daily, so I’ll still be available to our Britomart customers, just online!
What will this situation mean for your job, and is there any way that the community can support it?
We have an incredibly supportive leadership team who have made it a priority to find new avenues for the retail team to work in through the lockdown. It was great timing for us to launch our Live Chat feature! The best thing as a community we can do right now is to all support each other and our favourite local businesses in any way that we can. What’s a better surprise for a loved one during lockdown than an electronic Deadly Ponies gift card?
What are the main things you’re doing to stay occupied/positive?
Reorganising my closet, heading out for daily walks to make sure I’m getting some fresh air and cooking with my family.
What are you finding to be the biggest challenge and how are you handling it?
No challenges so far!
Do you have a project or lifestyle change that you’re planning to get underway in this time?
Doing yoga daily.
What’s your go-to isolation outfit going to be?
I’m living in activewear, but my favourite Mr Caiman Mini bag comes with me on my daily walks.
Your recommendations for
A series or film to watch My guilty pleasure at the moment is ‘Love is Blind’ on Netflix. It’s so bad it’s good.
An album to put on repeat The Weeknd’s new album.
An account to follow @dlypstudios on Instagram.
A site to visit I spend much more time than I should on Pinterest looking at dreamy interiors.