What we're doing to minimise the spread of the virus
These are strange and stressful times for everyone, so we wanted to let you know what we're doing at Britomart to help minimise transmission of Covid-19.
First, and most importantly, we're following official advice from New Zealand's Ministry of Health. The government's Unite Against Covid-19 website is also a useful resource to turn to as an authoritative source of information, especially when unfounded rumours on social media can be amplified with such alarming speed.
This is a tumultuous time for everyone. We hope that you’re coping with the stresses of the current situation as well as can be expected. And we hope that you, your family, friends and colleagues are all well.
As you will know, the Prime Minister has announced that New Zealand has moved to Alert Level 3 in its response to Covid-19, and will move to Level 4 at midnight on Wednesday 25 March, with all non-essential businesses closing. Everyone is expected to prepare for self-isolation from Wednesday for an anticipated period of four weeks. If you missed her address, you can watch it here:
At Britomart, this means all buildings will close at the end of business today (Tuesday 24 March) and entry will only be available with access cards. Essential services, which of course includes security, will continue to operate as normal throughout the precinct.
We are placing notices on all building entries that will explain the closures and redirect any deliveries appropriately.
Elsewhere in the precinct, the Britomart Carpark will remain open, but our valet parking service will be closed for the duration of the self-isolation period.
Many of you will be investigating the business support programmes the government has made available. These have been updated and will be relevant for many of you and your teams.
You can find out more and apply online for the COVID-19 Government Wage Subsidy or COVID-19 Leave Payment here:
You can also call 0800 40 80 40(Work and Income NZ) if you have any questions about these payments.
The website www.covid19.govt.nz also has everything you need to know about COVID-19 including information about support for businesses.
The Employers and Manufacturers Association has an advice line that offers advice on employment relations and HR matters: 0800 300 362.
And there’s a Business NZ helpline for advice on contractual or financial matters: 0800 543 543.
Other support is available for businesses. You can find out more at: www.employment.govt.nz/about/news-and-updates/workplace-response-coronavirus-covid-19/
We wish you all the best during this unprecedented time. The Britomart team remains on duty and working from home, and getting lots of web content ready for your entertainment in the coming weeks.