One of the objectives of creating this, our third annual sustainability report, is benchmarking goals against which we can hold ourselves accountable. These are the sustainability goals we set ourselves for 2020, with commentary on how we’re tracking to meet them.
01. Achieve a Green Star Performance Tool rating.
Status: Achieved
Britomart was the first property company in New Zealand to sign up to the NZ Green Building Council’s Green Star Performance Tool. The tool has nine key measurement components and requires third-party assessment. Britomart was awarded a 3 Green Star rating (labelled as ‘Good Practice’) out of a possible 6 stars for the performance of its buildings across the nine-block Britomart precinct. An updated rating is pending.
02. All new development will seek the appropriate Green Star ratings for design and build, with a minimum 5 Green Star rating a standing objective.
Status: Achieved, and ongoing
The Hotel Britomart has been awarded 5 Green Star ratings for its Design and Build by the NZ Green Building Council. On Customs Street, the redevelopment of the heritage Barrington and Sofrana buildings, due for completion in late 2022, will also seek a 5 Green Star rating from the NZ Green Building Council.
03. Improve monitoring of our waste streams with the goal of reducing waste to landfill.
Status: In Progress
In our last report, we noted that information on waste data from external contractors lacked the timeliness of level of detail we required to learn and respond quickly to output variations. The improvement of data supply has highlighted the need for us to work more closely with our tenants to collaborate on the reduction of waste from Britomart. This is a project for 2021 and beyond.
04, Write up the social and economic elements of our sustainability story and establish baselines through discussion and surveys.
Status: Ongoing
Social and economic sustainability are both integral parts of our Green Star Performance Tool assessment. They are also two of the foundational principles of Cooper and Company, Britomart’s owner, which states that good environmental, social and economic outcomes are self-validating and build and support each other. Our social sustainability initiatives and our survey with members of the Britomart community are both detailed later in this report.
05. Build partnerships with tenants active in the sustainability area and show the way for those who are not.
Status: Achieved / Ongoing
Our Seven Plans for a Better Planet interview series, included in this document, was developed to encourage conversations and knowledge-sharing about sustainability among the Britomart Community. We also create Britomart Green, a quarterly e-newsletter, about green activities in Britomart. Our social sustainability efforts and Green Christmas giveaway of native trees in Takutai Square are all founded on sharing sustainability values with Britomart’s community members.

Our sustainability goals for the next year.
01. Reduce our carbon emissions according to our Toitū reduction plan
Our work with Toitū Envirocare has resulted in the creation of a carbon emissions profile and a detailed multi-year plan to reduce those emissions. There is more information about these plans on here [link].
02. Improve our Green Star Performance Tool rating
We are aiming to improve the environmental performance of our buildings year-on-year through precise measurement and systems improvement, which should result in a gradual improvement in our Green Star Performance Tool rating.
03. Continue to lead tenants and find common ground to reduce emissions
Our sustainability initiatives are collaborative and the lessons we learn are shared through numerous channels, from live events in Takutai Square to our social media feeds. Britomart will continue to work with members of its community on the common goal of emissions reduction and environmental awareness throughout the year.
04. Achieve a 5 Green Star rating for the Barrington Sofrana redevelopment
A 5 Green Star rating is currently being targeted for the refurbishment of these two heritage buildings. The project is due to be completed in late 2022.
05. Create a separate base-case emissions profile and emissions reduction plan for The Hotel Britomart
We are working with Toitū Envirocare on separately measuring The Hotel Britomart’s emissions and developing a plan to reduce them.
NEXT / Read about our Green Star Performance, NABERSNZ ratings, and our work with Toitū Envirocare.